Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bus Thoughts.

peripatetic; adjective:

1.Of or pertaining to walking about or traveling from place to place; itinerant.

Sitting on a bus listening to Jen Grant's "A Brown House", and reading Libba Bray's "A Sweet Far Thing".

The climactic ending of Act IV is over and all that is really left to do is process, and save Act V for a less emotional moment. Its funny how everything building up to a moment can be so contradictory to the actual action. Everything building up to the moment in question was selfish, and greedy; each character acting out of fear of their natures, their futures, wanting to resist society's mold and push past, for their own selfish endeavors; regardless of their means. And yet, the outcome of all that was selflessness, love, bravery, and not succumbing to the illusions, traps, and selfish confections thrown at them. I honestly think it was to much for me. If these horrific characters, ones that I had come to distrust, and dislike through our literary journey, could understand the need for good, for love, for selflessness. Could come to respect life, rather than power; fall in love, and act selflessly for the good of others and not just themselves, then why the heck (no potty mouths) couldn't our "advanced" social society reach the same conclusions? Why couldn't we, in our day and age, act out of love, and humbleness, and see the beauty of life, all lives, whether new and vibrant or tattered and worn...? The concepts are there and are generally agreed on as something good, and yet no one ever really vies for those things, no one admires the people who do that, and no one ever envies the person who has accomplished exactly that that is good in this world.
Growing up in a household where none of those things were ever shown , no respect for life, little love, no humbleness, gratitude, or selflessness, you'd think that it was me who seriously lacked something. Its funny how a lifestyle choice can make such a difference. Granted, my mother says that she looks at me sometimes as if I could be someone else's child, where we are so much alike in our stubbornness, and strength, somehow we differ greatly in everything else. But then again maybe its an authentic lifestyle that makes all the difference.

You must be the change you want to see in the world
- Mahatma Gandhi

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