Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Missed Point.

Christianity is not a joke. In fact I'll go as far as to say that many christians have missed the entire point of christianity in the first place. To say it is a "religion" is offensive on many different levels. Christianity is the be all and end all of all relationships. It is satissfying, and fullfilling. It offers hope beyond measure and the ability to surpass the humanly possible. THAT is what christianity is. Its the relationship between the maker and His works. He made each of us different, individual. He knows everything about us, every intricate detail. For whatever inexplicable reason He sees us as masterpieces despite the fact that in comparison to Him we are smaller than dust. Somehow He still sees us, and unimaginably loves us. He LOVES us. The more I walk through life, the more I question it, and search for the same answers as everyone else, the more I realize that it really is all about Him.
The more I find Him.
God doesn't hide from us, the more one seeks the truth the more apparent He becomes. I've always wondered at the fact that other people don't come to the same conclusion as I do. Its only answer that satisfies all the questions that you could throw at it.
Its the only answer that goes beyond something one dimensional, like a concept or a scientific fact, and fulfills the intangible.
That emptiness everyone finds in there heart that can not be filled by anything else though we try. Most try to fill it with things like success, friends, family, fun, drugs, alcohol, love, peace, science, commitment, darkness...
The list is endless; as it should be.
Its because this list is endless that we can be sure that God is the only one who can fill it. God is vast and impossible to substitute with anything other than Him. Sometimes people find that they can ease the empty feel by placing things that are godly (or of God), like romantic love, or family-like love, even with satanic things (we must never forget that satan, Lucifer, was originally an angel with great power, one that God favoured and loved, Lucifer knows how God is and that He is the only one that can satisfy human emptiness, he isn't stupid and so uses that knowledge to provide doubt and counterfeit satisfaction when appropriate in order to keep us from finding the one thing that can truly save us).
As Christians, or anyone in search for the truth, we must be careful not to get caught up in the religious aspects of what Christianity has become, we mustn't miss the point of God and the lifestyle that He so painstakingly laid before us.

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